Academic Calendar | Ohio University (2024)

Note:Deadlines are 5:00 p.m. Eastern on the date indicated (unless otherwise noted). However, online transactions may be processed beyond 5:00 p.m. Eastern if the system is available. Deadlines are prorated for classes that do not meet for the full semester.

Fall 2024-25 - Summer 2024-25

');}//function to group all summer eventsfunction summerSort(){ $('.node__content').find('#calendar-tabs .dates').prepend('

Filter summer sessions

'); $('.node__content').find('#fullSummer').click();}function mobileUpdate(){ var viewport = $(window).outerWidth(); //shift position of dates listing if viewport is mobile if (viewport < 768){ var dates = $('body').find('#calendar-tabs .dates').detach(); $('body').find('#calendar-tabs .active').after(dates); }else{ //put the dates list back if it is out of place on non-mobile if ($('body').find('#calendar-tabs .header > .dates').length){ var dates = $('body').find('#calendar-tabs .dates').detach(); $('body').find('#calendar-tabs .header').after(dates); } }}//function to detect an ndash in a date stringfunction isSeries(dateString){ if ( dateString.indexOf('–') > -1 ){ return true }else{ return false }}//function to find any series events that had an event between them and output twicefunction removeDupes(){ //set up collection to check against var items = []; $('#calendar-tabs .dates .event').each(function(){ var thisTitle = $(this).find('.title').text().trim(); var thisDate = $(this).find('.event-date').text().trim(); if (items.length){ //see if this item already exists var index = items.indexOf(thisTitle); if (index > -1){ //set reference for the existing matched item var $match = $('.dates .event').eq(index); var matchedDate = $match.find('.event-date').text(); //setup vars to build the full series later var firstDay = ''; var lastDay = ''; //series events have a ndash (it's not just a hyphen character!) if (isSeries(matchedDate)){ firstDay = matchedDate.split('–')[0]; }else{ //slice off the year since this will be part of a series firstDay = matchedDate.slice(0,-6); } //is this current item a series if (isSeries(thisDate)){ lastDay = thisDate.split('–')[1] }else{ lastDay = thisDate; } //update matched item with the dupe var dateHTML = ''+firstDay+''+lastDay+''; $match.find('.event-date').html('').append(dateHTML); //remove this dupe from the DOM $(this).remove(); return; } } //add this checked item to the collection items.push(thisTitle); })}function tabUpdate($theTab){ $('#calendar-tabs .active').removeClass('active'); $('#calendar-tabs .dates').html('Loading...'); //get the button's text which is passed as our filter (TODO: this will be passed in via a field and not scraped out of title) var title = $theTab.text().trim(); //take out the accessibility text title = title.split('for ')[1];// console.log('the term: '+title); //TODO: find better way to get event query keyword -- the following works for now but will break depending on how it is entered by end user potentially //set keyword var keyword = title.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase(); var academicYear = title.split(' ')[1]; if (keyword == 'summer'){ keyword = 'summer'; //yeah it does! }else{ keyword = keyword+' semester'; } fetchEvents(keyword, academicYear); $theTab.addClass('active'); mobileUpdate();//force resize event to fix scrollbar missing in Chrome OS X setTimeout(function(){$(window).resize() }, 1804);}var $ = jQuery;$(window).on('load', function(){ var eventList = []; //set up tabs $('.tab').last().after('

'); $('.tab').each(function(){ var title = $(this).find('h3').text(); var thisID = title.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('-'); var tabBtn = ''; $('#calendar-tabs .header').append(tabBtn); }); //Default to the first tab being active tabUpdate($('#calendar-tabs button').first()); //could parse URL for hash or params to set tab on load $('.node__content').on('click', '#calendar-tabs button', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if ($(this).parent().hasClass('filters')){ //add container class for "fade" effect $('#calendar-tabs .dates').addClass('filtering'); //clear any visibly active filter buttons and set this one as active $(this).siblings('.active').removeClass(); $(this).addClass('active'); //get the filter value var theFilter = $(this).text(); //show or hide events based on filter $('#calendar-tabs .dates .event').each(function(){ var tags = $(this).attr('data-tags').split(','); if (tags.indexOf(theFilter) === -1){ $(this).hide(); }else{ $(this).show(); } }); //remove container class to cause "fade in" effect, needs delay to be perceptible setTimeout(function(){$('#calendar-tabs .dates').removeClass('filtering');}, 1000); //force resize event to fix scrollbar missing in Chrome OS X setTimeout(function(){$(window).resize() }, 1804); }else{ tabUpdate($(this)); } }); $(window).on('resize', function(){ mobileUpdate(); });});

Fall 2024-25

Spring 2024-25

Summer 2024-25

View all Academic Calendar events in the University Calendar

Academic Calendar Documents

2023-24 (Fall 2023-24 through Summer 2023-24)

  • Printable Official Academic Calendar 2023-24 [PDF] Revised 4.05.2023
  • 2023-24 Quickview Calendar [PDF] Updated 2.16.2023

2024-25 (Fall 2024-25 through Summer 2024-25)

  • Printable Official Academic Calendar 2024-25 [PDF] Revised 5.17.2024
  • 2024-25 Quickview Calendar [PDF] Approved 2.09.2024

Note: Holidays that result in closing of the University are listed on the Academic Calendar. View a complete listing of all national, religious, ethnic, and other holidays.

Additional Calendars

  • Final Exam Schedule
  • Production Calendars
  • Tentative Calendar for Future Years [PDF]
  • Official Academic Calendars for Prior 3 Years

Academic Year Definition

The academic year is the 365 day period that begins with the first day of the Fall Semester and ends with the day before the first day of the following Fall Semester. It comprises the Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters in sequential order, beginning with the Fall Semester. Regarding the completion of degree requirements, an academic year for a given student is the completion of two full semesters, normally Fall and Spring.


Office of the University Registrar
1 Ohio University
Chubb Hall
Athens, OH 45701-2979
tel: 740.593.4191
fax: 740.593.0216

Academic Calendar | Ohio University (2024)


What is the academic calendar for universities in the United States? ›

Semesters in US universities

Classes in the first semester usually begins in August and lasts until the end of December, including exams. The second semester runs from January/February to may-June. Winter vacation lasts 2-3 weeks, summer 10-12 weeks.

What calendar do college students use? ›

Comparing Online Calendar Options
Calendar ToolNotable Features
Apple CalendariCloud synchronization, invite feature, and travel time. CalendarTask integration, daily planner, color tags.
NotionBlock-based approach, database features, embedded content.
TodoistTask prioritization, project organization, karma points.
7 more rows
Sep 19, 2023

What are two types of college academic calendars? ›

An academic calendar that uses semesters traditionally has two terms, in the fall and spring, and a trimester academic calendar traditionally has three terms, in the fall, spring, and summer.

What is the difference between academic calendar and regular calendar? ›

A Calendar year ranges from 1 January through to 31 December. An Academic year is comprised of two Teaching Periods, January to June, and July to December.

What month do American universities graduate? ›

Colleges generally hold their graduations in May. Many high schools hold their graduations in early June. It is hard to generalize because there are so many high schools and colleges in the US and there is no real "general rule" when it comes to graduation.

Is Harvard academic calendar quarters or semesters? ›

The academic calendar is composed of two semesters. Fall semester starts in late August (with first-year students arriving a week early for placement tests and adjustment to campus life) and ends in mid-December after final exams. Spring semester starts at the end of January and finishes in mid-May after final exams.

What do most academic calendars include? ›

Academic calendar refers to dates and events that a postsecondary institution operates around. Most academic calendars include the add, withdraw and drop deadlines for each session within each semester.

What are the 5 types of calendar? ›

These are the Gregorian, Jewish, Islamic, Indian, Chinese, and Julian Calendars. These calendars replicate astronomical cycles according to fixed rules.

What is the best schedule for college students? ›

A Healthy Routine for a Student
  • Wake Up Early. Set an alarm for a few hours before your classes start so you can prepare for your day. ...
  • Eat a Healthy Breakfast. ...
  • Build in Time to Exercise. ...
  • Set Goals for the Day. ...
  • Go to Class. ...
  • Have a Consistent Study Schedule. ...
  • Leave Time to Socialize. ...
  • Go to Sleep at the Same Time Every Night.

What are the 3 types of calendars? ›

There are three major types of calendar that have been used through history – solar, lunar and luni-solar. Sidereal (star) calendars have also been used, notably by the ancient Egyptians. Often more than one type of calendar is in use by a given society at the same time.

Is quarter or semester better? ›

The choice between these systems also affects your GPA. In the quarter system, you've got more chances to improve your cumulative GPA because of those extra credit hours. But in the semester system, each class carries more weight in your GPA, which means one bad grade can be a bit of a headache to bounce back from.

Do you graduate faster in quarter system? ›

Accelerated pace to graduation.

Students can graduate early if they take classes every quarter, including the summer, which if they live off campus, and are paying for full year housing, could result in a cost savings for housing.

What are semesters called in college? ›

During a typical academic year, there are two formal semesters — the fall and spring semesters. The academic year starts in the fall semester and runs from August or September to December, with various breaks such as fall break, Thanksgiving break and winter break.

What month does an academic diary start? ›

Mid-Year Diaries are paper planners that usually start in June. This is to give people the option to get reorganised mid-way through the year. Academic diaries, on the other hand, usually start in September just as the university year begins.

How many calendar days is a college semester? ›

Semesters usually have 14-16 weeks of instructional time, or between three and four months. This works out to 60-80 weekdays on which students might have class. The second semester features at least one week off for spring break. Quarters last an average of 10 weeks, or about two-and-half months.

What is the academic year program USA? ›

The Academic Year Program (AYP) is an international cultural exchange program that allows students to spend an academic year (10 months) or semester (5 months) living with a volunteer host family in the United States, study at an American high school and share their culture, customs and traditions with your “new” ...

What are the university years in the US? ›

Student classification refers to the familiar names for the four undergraduate years: freshman, sophom*ore, junior, and senior. Your classification is not determined by the number of years of college coursework you have taken but by the number of semester hours you have earned.

What is the school year in the US? ›

The academic year typically runs from August or early September until the end of May or early June, depending on the length of the year and number of the holiday, vacation, and snow days occurring during the year.

Do US universities have semesters? ›

Most U.S. colleges and universities follow either the quarter or semester system. The semester system gives students more time to learn and build a rapport with professors. The quarter system offers ample flexibility and smaller course loads each term. Transferring semester and quarter credits can pose some challenges.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.